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Our School Pla Marcell is located in Cardedeu, a town 30 km from Barcelona. Our school was established in 2006 and holds about 400 students, from 1st to 4th ESO.

The multilingualism plays a key role in our school: we learn English, German, Spanish and Catalan. 

One of our goals is to get multilingual speakers capable of understanding, respecting and being sensitive to other realities. For that reason, our students from 2nd ESO have the oportunity to live for 5 days with a host family in London and visit the city. We also have an exchange with the school Max Brauer in Hamburg (Germany) during the 3rd year and another exchange in the last year with the Robert Blume Gymnasium in Berlin (Germany). 

La nostra escola està situada a Cardedeu, una vila a 30 km de Barcelona. La nostra escola va ser fundada l'any 2006 i té uns 400 estudiants d'ESO. El multilingüisme juga un paper important dins la nostra escola, ja que l'alumnat té l'oportunitat d'adquirir coneixements en anglès, alemany,  castellà i català.

Un dels nostres objectius és aconseguir parlants multilingües capaços d'entendre, respectar i ser sensibles a altres realitats. És per això que promovem la mobilitat des de 2n d'ESO amb un primer contacte de 5 dies amb famílies a Londres. També tenim la sort de gaudir d'un intercanvi a 3r amb famílies d'Hamburg i un intercanvi a 4t amb famílies de Berlín.

Methodology & Materials

We believe in a students centered approach to develop the autonomy of our students. We promote cooperative learning activities and projects among a wide variety of activities and tasks depending on the necessities of our learners.

Creiem en un enfocament centrat en l'alumnat per desenvolupar la seva autonomia. Promovem el treball cooperatiu, el treball per projectes i oferim una àmplia diversitat d'activitats i tasques pensades a partir de les necessitats de les nostres noies i nois. 

We work with Moodle, Google Drive and educational web pages such as the ones from British Council, Agenda Web, National Geographic, Eslvideos, ...

Treballem amb el Moodle, el Google Drive i pàgines web com per exemple la del British Council, l'agenda web, National Geographic o Eslvideos...

Here you can watch our favourite inspiring videos

Our ESL team has changed with the years, but there are two things we all have in common: we care for our school and we collaborate to engage all students with new activities and everyday challenges. Thanks to: Núria Bertran, Laura Tàcies, Mireia Bellido, Judith Montes, Elena Muñoz & Maria Ferreres.


© 2018 by Maria Ferreres. Proudly created with

All pictures are done by the teacher's team or are downloaded from freepik.

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